Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My answers to some questions

(Amanda Downs on C++) How come we are never satisfied? Networks are becoming faster, more pervasive, and more essential - why do we not value the important changes rather than stress over the problems?
I believe people are never satisfied because of the imagination. No matter what currently exists people can imagine something that works faster or does more. This same idea applies to networks. The creators and users of networks can always imagine what the world would be like if networks worked more efficiently and could have more applications, and because of this problems are highlighted and creators and users are motivated to do what they can to make networks fit the image in their mind.
(Kathryn Nguyen on Foucault) If utopias are unreal spaces, which do not exist, why does everyone strive to create them?
The vision of a Utopia motivates people to do things. When people visualize a perfect place they have a goal and try to create it. Even if and when someone realizes that actually achieving his or her Utopia is impossible s/he is still motivated to make his/her perfect place because it can closer and closer to perfection.

(Gabriella Potievsky on Yi Fu Tuan) How does society have a strong impact on the development of spacial skill?
In general, people tend to learn what they need. Each society demands a different set of spacial skills, so each different society will develop different spacial skills. For example, an Urban society will stress knowing how to cross a street without getting hit and how to utilize mass transit, while a suburb will stress knowing  what parts of town are useful for what things (like what street you can play with a football without any cars coming).

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